Dumped. March 15th, 2005

The west fork, waterfall, and track, scene of last year's ice flood, all buried.

This is the canyon.

Even the long straight can barely be seen.

And at swaybend, no evidence of a railroad here.

But the good news is, I made a good discovery. I could actually locate the
south lot line by a mark on a tree on the other side of the rock wall.

And I also projected the lot line to the east as well.

I came to find, there are actually two large white pine trees that are on
my side of the lot line. In the past I had assumed they were my neighbor's.

In previous posts, I had shown what I thought was my largest white pine.
It is actually small compared to these two growing in close proximity.

Here's the south lot line again, showing the large trees. A little forest
cleanup wouldn't hurt these trees at all.