
This is our train - pulled by an old Santa Fe GP7.
We are looking west and slightly south.

This is another train - or some spare rolling stock.
Looking up the track, east and slightly north.

The other side view of our train.

The track follows the Grand Ronde RIver.

As we travel further east, the river enters a canyon.

The hills around the river get steeper and steeper.

At times you can see wildlife on the hillside. Deer, Elk, Moose, Bear.

It amazes me how they can cling to the hillside.

The ride is quite scenic. It would be better on a clear day.

This line was preserved by the counties of Union and Wallowa.
The railroad is called the Wallowa Union.

This river is excellent for canoeing and rafting.

Looking up the canyon wall that is trainside.

Wife, Donna, seems to be having a good time, scenery or not.
The End.