
Except for the destruction, it would be beautiful.

It was a terrible night. After the lights went out, I looked
outside with a flashlight and saw trees with ice chunks in the
branches as large as baseballs.

Throughout the night, large branches and whole tress fell, one
right after another. First there was the sound of wood cracking and
breaking. Then a treefull of ice would hit the ground or other trees.
It sounded like glass shattering.

One group of trees were uprooted by the weight of the ice.

They draped icy branches over my driveway.

My neighbors birch trees once again were drooped over.

The following day's display was eerie and spectacular.

The young white pines didn't have a chance.

Debris was everywhere.

Much of the railroad was spared.

But many branches needed to be cleared.

Some trees had to be cut down.

The young pines just needed a little help.

There were branches and ice chunks everywhere.

The bridge ties looked like piano keys with a thick ice coating.

Here's our power like hanging from the pole...

... and in the street. Traffic was driving over it.