
Here we are at the Gare de Paris Montparnasse. Also known as the Montparnasse
train station. It is a very busy place.

This is me (second from right) with three of my co-workers. Yes we have
billets in out pockets. You buy these at the corner shop under the blue sign.

And here's the other co-worker who took the picture with me in it. We were
all too tired to think to ask someone else to take the picture of us all.
Billets are tickets.

Am I allowed to take pictures of the trains?, I ask. Of course. Why not.
In the United States we have entirely too many laws. So you never know.

Leaving Montparnasse and the huge amount of infrastructure is evident. We
pick up speed rather rapidly on the TGV.

When you pass another TGV, the air pressure between the two trains is so
enormous, you can feel it push your train sideways. Nice French reflection.

We whiz past the much slower local commuter trains. I think those are eggs
painted on the side, but don't know.

Time for lunch in Poitiers, France. This is where you catch a taxi.

And a view from the Gare Poitiers platform.

The French did it right. The trains fit the gauge. There is little or no
side to side movement of the cars. It makes for an excellent ride.