The Frozen Lake Enlarges -- February 2, 2004
Well it's Ground Hog Day, again, and that must mean
here we are at Punxatawny, Pennsylvania. Not quite.

And the Timson Creek bridge is still standing, with ice
within two inches of the deck.

The river deepens. The river widens. The river is frozen.

What a mess. Now the entire southwest bend is flooded and
frozen. This stuff is amazing.

I used to run the locomotive across the short span that was
iced over, rerailing it on the other side. Can't do it now.

Here's the view from upstream. It will be a long time until
this opens again. I was able to do trackwork on the east end.

Check out the upper lake on the other side of the rock wall.

And the lower lake. It will be a long time before this is gone.