Railroad Rush Hour, The Game...

You can purchase the game yourself
(and I highly recommend it)
at many fine retailers. Here's a list of vendors from Google...

List of Vendors

The object of the game is quite simple... Get the RED Switch Engine out of the yard! To do it, just move rolling stock and express pallettes around using your mouse until the red engine can get out. (Yes, I wrote this.) I will tell you when you have won.

Please Choose a Challenge Card...

Challenge cards are arranged in order of increasing difficulty by group. For example: "Hobo" cards are easy and "Engineer" cards are difficult. So start with the easy ones until you get the hang of it. The signals are only to remind you which challenges you have visited and won.

Signal Legend

Card Never Visited
Card Visited but not Won
Card Visited and Won!

Looks like Donna just won this challenge!
(at Ridge Live Steamers - Dundee, Florida - February 25th 2004)

The Players...

The Playing Field...