Bob Krech poses with his Pumpkin Chuckin. |
Once again, CMASS held the New England Model Rocket Convention on November 3rd at the Amesbury Middle School, followed by the rocket launch at Woodsom Farm on the 4th. During the conference, I did two presentations, and attended a couple others. Overall it was a great event, probably the shortest Saturday I experienced in a long time.
My first presentation was an introduction to model rocketry titled “Flew My Wallmart Special. Now What?” The intention was to introduce a newcomer to what this hobby has to offer besides the few rocket kits offered at stores like Wal-Mart. I provided a list of a few rocket organizations, companies, and a few Internet resources. Then I provided a show and tell session showing different types of rockets from several different companies. I also provided a general introduction to composite and reloadable motors.
My second presentation was about motor ignition, and was very well attended. I covered basic ignition technique of black powder model rocket motors and small composite motors. Then I moved onto ignition techniques for high power motors and demostrated making igniters from scratch using Rocketflite’s Magnelite Pyrogen and initiators made from Nichrome or Graphite Powder and Nitrocellulose Lacquer.
Saturday I brought a friend, and three rockets. My PML Bull Puppy, LOC "Hotel Express" and my Megablast. First I flew the Pup with a RR F60-7. Great flight. My Hotel express had a great boost with a G53 but the delay was like a -1. My Megablast had a perfect flight with an AMW J440BB and landed close to the woods. Finally I launched my Hotel Express again, this time with a G64-7W.
Couple other noteworthy flights I saw were launched by Robert DeHate. He launched his “J Motor Eater” with an AMW J480 Blue Baboon, followed my a interesting boost of him Big Nuke with an AMW 75/1070 loaded with a K470ST load. Bob Krech attempted to fly his large Pumpkin Chuckin Rocket with a Roadrunner G80. Interesting flight. eWas not stable but gave us a good chuckle.
Pictures :)
Jim's shows off a upscale Triskelion at his booth. |
Mike from Cosmodrome with several of his kits and prototypes on display. |
Greg brought some stuff from Hobbytown. |
Rocketeers discuss rockets during lunch. |
Hotel Express with an Aerotech G64. This was the first time I flew the two grain version of the G64. |
My Megablast takes offf with an AMW J440 Blue Baboon motor. |
A Saturn V takes off with a cluster of D12's. Not all the motors lit so the Saturn did a few loops and pranged. |
I believe this is Tony Vincent's Hawk launced with a H238BT motor. |
Howards Mirage turns into an upscale Wacky Wiggler after he had ejection failure. |
An Tomahawk with an Aerotech E15W. |
Robert DeHate loads his Big Nuke on the launch pad. Many people are interested in watching because of the rockets emense size and te fact that its loaded it a 3" K. |
Robert and crew do the final touches getting the Big Nuke ready to fly. It is loaded with an AMW 75/1700 motor with an K470ST. |
Robert's Big Nuke lifts off with its K470 Super Tiger. |
The K470 is a regresseive burning motor. Three half length grains produce the most thrust at ignition and gradually decreases thrust till burnout. |
Robert's rocket starts to arch over as the K470's thrust decreases near burnout. |
Roberts "J-Motor Eater" takes off with an AMW J480 Blue Baboon motor. |
The "J-Motor Eater" continues skyward with the power of the J480 Blue Baboon from Animal Motor Works. |