Rocket Launches Both Near and Far

Doug demostrating how to stage a Micro Maxx UFO with a regular UFO. - May 14,2005 The best part about building and finishing rockets is flying them! Even though I like flying rockets solo, nothing beats the thrill of launching rockets at a club launch. The fun starts when you arrive at the launch site. All the launch pads are set up for you (it is nice when you help the club setup though) so all you have to do is drag your rocket out of the car. I don't go just to fly rockets, but to socialize with other rocketeers, trade motors and tips. It is a thrill to walk around looking at everybody's creations, and to watch them launch. Nothing beats watching a big (and expensive) rocket launching on a $100+ rocket motor, and knowing that you did not have to dent you wallet for that flight.

CMASS - July 19th, 2008 - Amesbury, MA.

The July 19th CMASS Launch was the second high power launch that CMASS sponsored for the year. Besides being on the warm and windy side, a lot of people showed up and we all had a blast. My Dad came with me during this launch, and he started my flying while I finished up setting up my equipment. During the day, we launched a total of eleven rockets. [read more].

Cub Scout Launch - May 15th, 2008 - Hampstead, NH.

Once again, I was asked by Jake Kirk to help with his local Cub Scouts with their annual rocket shoot which takes place right after their award ceremony. The troup likes me to come because I usually demo other types of rockets besides the standard Estes, Fliskits, and Quest rockets the kids fly. This year I brought a Hauppauge of unique rockets [read more].

CMASS - May 10th, 2008 - Tewksbury, MA.

The May 10th 2008 CMASS launch was held on the Tewksbury, MA field. At times it was very breezy and the wind kept changing its mind which direction to blow. Even though this made recovery difficult, I still managed to launch a total of fourteen rockets, and I did not lose any rockets this time [read more].

CMASS - April 19th, 2008 - Amesbury, MA.

The April 19th CMASS launch was the first High Power CMASS launch. Many people including me had large projects that were itching to get off the ground. This launch was also the first time I got to try out my new Sony Alpha Digital SLR camera. The weather was during the day was nice, and a lot of people showed up. However, there was not that many launches. During the day, I had a total of six flights. [read more].

CMASS - Winters Follies - January 12th, 2008 - Acton, MA.

Jan 12th of 2008 was the day of the second ever Winter Follies launch. The first Winter Follies in 07 I was unable to attend, but this time that Saturday was free, so I made the trip down to Acton, Mass. Like last year, the weather was unusually warm and hardly any wind. The only issue was we were walking on a thick layer of snow and ice. Other than the fact that my feet got cold, the launch was a blast. [read more].

CMASS - November 17th, 2007 - Amesbury, MA.

Looking at the weather report the night before the last launch of the year, I decided that I was not going to fly any High Power rockets. So instead, I took a couple hours that night and prepped several low power rockets. [read more].

NEMROC 2007 - November 3rd - 4th, 2007 - Amesbury, MA.

Once again, CMASS held the New England Model Rocket Convention on November 3rd at the Amesbury Middle School, followed by the rocket launch at Woodsom Farm on the 4th. During the conference, I did two presentations, and attended a couple others. Overall it was a great event, probably the shortest Saturday I experienced in a long time. [read more].

CMASS - October 20th, 2007 - Amesbury, MA.

What a great day to fly rockets! A beautiful bright day that was not too windy. I took advantage of the great weather to fly seven rockets. [read more].

CMASS - October 6th, 2007 - Amesbury, MA.

What a great day for flying. It was a warm day, and was not too windy. Brought a lot of new low power rockets to fly, plus I got a chance to shoot off some high flying rockets. Throughout the day, I launched a total of nineteen rockets. [read more].

CMASS - September 16th, 2007 - Acton, MA.

Finally another launch at the Amesbury field. This was the Fliskits Anniversary launch. The weather was not cooperating on the 15th, so the launch was held the next day. Since it was on Sunday, I could not attend the entire event. I finally got to the launch site around twelve thirty, and managed to get in eleven flights. [read more].

CMASS - August 18th, 2007 - Acton, MA.

Do to a series of unfortunate events; the launches in July were canceled. So when the August 18th launch came, the fact that a launch in Acton means no high power did not bother me. I wanted just to fly something. Despite the fact that it was very windy, that did not stop me from launching fifteen rockets. [read more].

CMASS - June 30th, 2007 - Acton, MA.

Normally I do not go to the launches in Acton, MA. One reason was it is a long drive for me just for a “small stuff” sport launch. The other reason was the last time I been to the field I felt it was way to small. However, it has been a while since I flown my smaller rockets, and my nextdoor neighbor Eddie was interested in attending a launch. So I decided to make the trip. [read more].

Nerrf 2007 - June 22nd - 24th, 2007 - Pine Island, NY .

One of the largest launches of the year in the North East area is NERRF. Located in southern New York, it is about a five-hour drive for me. Even though there is travel, there is something special about spending a weekend at a large event like this. Clubs from around the region converge on one field, allowing us to socialize with people we normally only communicates with on forums. Rockets from micro size all the way up to large M-powered beasts can be seen everywhere. Vendors set up their booths offering goods like food, beverage, rockets, propellant, and more. [read more].

CMASS - April 21st, 2007 - Amesbury, MA.

This was the first launch of this years flying season for me. I took the opportunity of nice weather to set up the Canopy Tent I bought last year. It was a pain to set up, but I wanted to see if everything was present, and to learn how to build it before I went to Nerrf. It was great to see my friend Paul Robinson from AMW there, and Joel Rogers was also visiting from Texas. Of course, the other Zoo Keeper Robert DeHate was there testing a new altimeter, one which I had already purchased for my Level Three project. [read more].

CMASS - November 18th, 2006 - Amesbury, MA.

What a great day to fly rockets! Temperature was not to cold, little to no wind, and the sun was out the whole day! Once again I spent a good portion of the day participating in the NAR old motor test program. Four of my eight flights were dedicated to these tests. [read more].

CMASS - November 4th, 2006 - Amesbury, MA.

What a day! A lot more windy than predicted. The temperature was not bad, but the wind made it worse! It felt like it was freezing! I spent most of the six hour flying window participating in the NAR old motor testing program. [read more].

CMASS - Oct 21st, 2006 - Amesbury, MA.

During the October 21, 2006 launch, it was windy with very brief moments of lighter winds. There was a good turnout, but not the high volume that normally we normally see there. I figured that most people decided not to come because of the wind (or because they knew that Jim Flis would not be there due to other obligations) [read more].

NEMROC 2006 - October 7th - 8th, 2006 - Amesbury, MA.

This is the second year in a row where CMASS held New England Model Rocket Convention at the middle school in Amesbury, MA on Saturday, and the launch at Woodsom Farm the next day. The conference consisted of a series of forty five minute lectures, hosted two at a time in separate classrooms. There was a 15 minute break between lectures and an hour for lunch. There was also two make it/take it sessions sponsored by Jim Flis. Since Nemroc was on a holiday weekend, many people had to choose either the conference or the launch. Most people in that boat chose to go to the launch. Click here to read about the Conference or the Launch .

CMASS - April 22nd, 2006 - Amesbury, MA.

The first launch of the 2006 session started out once again in Amesbury, MA. It was windy and cold, but the parking area was packed with cars, and many tables and blankets were set up loaded with rockets. [read more]

CMASS - November 19th, 2005 - Amesbury, MA.

Oh what a day! It was cold! Under 20 degrees. I was packing two pairs of pants, a t-shirt, the CMASS shirt, the CMASS demin long sleeve shirt, a sweater, and jacket! You know you put enough layers on when you don't fell cold, but when you take the gloves off your fingers instantly freeze. Despite the cold, I still managed to get in six flights. [read more]

CMASS - October 22th, 2005 - Amesbury, MA.

There was a good turnout at the October 22nd, 2005 Amesbury launch. The regulars were there, along with some new faces. I personally launched four rockets, and assisted with a fifth. [read more]

CMASS - July 23rd, 2005 - Amesbury, MA.

The July 23rd launch was very nice, perfect if it was not so windy. I had to leave early because it was my mom's birthday, and so I wanted to join my family for the dinner celebration. During the time on the field, I made a total of five fligths. [read more]

CMASS - May 25th, 2005 - Tewksbury, MA.

Saturday, May 25th was a very hot day when the die-hard rocketeers gathered together at the Tewksbury field for another CMASS sport launch. The temperature was predicted to reach 100 degrees. A heat advisory was issued on the e-mail list, advising flyers to bring plenty of water or sports drinks. There was hardly a cloud in the sky, but there was a low ceiling… a ceiling of humidity. Literally, only a few hundred feet up (or away) the rocket would cloak into the blue sky. [read more]

NERRF - May 17th - 19th, 2005 - Middleton, NY.

For three days, rocketeers from the eastern part of the country traveled to a large sod farm located in Middleton, NY for a three day event that was the launch of the first North East Region Rocket Festival. I never been to a launch this big, and it was fun seeing all the different projects on the ground and in the air. I liked the size of the field, and even though with the moats and turned soil, I think this is the best M rated field I have ever set foot on. [read more]

CMASS - May 14th 2005 - Tewksbury, MA.

This was the first launch of the year that we used the Tewksbury field. I brought a long my collection of low and mid powered rockets to fly on this small field surrounded by woods, and swamps. Even though there is no High Power at this launch, it is still worth going because my friends like Bill Rutland and Jim Flis were there flying there Birds. [read more]

CMASS - April 30th 2005 - Amesbury, MA.

The first CMASS launch of the year lasted till about 1pm, when the rain started getting too heavy. I logged in four flights. First three was a beta test rocket from Vertical Force Rocketry. [read more]

TRF 2005 - April 23,24th 2005 - Whitakers, NC.

The weekend of April 23rd saw the third annual gathering of the Rocketry Forum. This was the second time I traveled to Whitakers, NC to attend the event hosted by Tripoli North Carolina. The weather for the weekend looked questionable, but we knew, rain or shine, the launch would be a blast. [read more]

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